Register with us

As a registered BC Producer you will have a profile page on Shop BC of this site. Here customers and procurement managers will be able to distinguish you as helping to create and supply everyday goods and services in harmony with our Biosphere. Its also potentially a great stepping stone to partnering with us – see In Practice.

Your page will have your logo, an image of your product/service and information about your BC undertakings as per the 5 criteria areas (see below). Under each criteria section you will be able to upload other documents, images, certifications, that may support your application.

There is a $250.00 assessment fee for us to review and process your registration and we ask for an annual donation upon approval.

Conditions of application: holds the sole discretion in accepting or declining the application, on grounds and conditions it determines as being important to maintaining and governing the BC initiative.

Note: registration with us as a BC Producer does not officially mean you have been recognised as obtaining a Biospherically Correct rating but that you are exercising one or more of the 5 Biospherically Correct criteria arenas in your business, helping demonstrate the BC ethos. See In Practise for rated enterprises.

Please describe how your company or organisation follows the five key Biospherically Correct principles below, and attach any relevant supporting documents:

Green   Blue   Red  

* All fields are required