Please consider making a financial contribution
If you value the inspiration and directive of Biospherically Correct, and believe along with us that this Biospherically Correct initiative has the potential to instrumentally enhance global business and play a vital role in creating genuine long-term sustainability, then please consider making a financial contribution.
Your donation contributes to advancing this valuable resource designed for the purpose of empowering businesses globally to make the changes necessary that will enable a prosperous economic future for us all. Measures that will preserve the health and beauty of our planet that we enjoy everyday, a well-being that is relevant to us all no matter which corner of the earth we might reside.
Join us and help seed this innovative initiative – share in becoming an important part of a developing global phenomena. Be one of the pioneers of this Vision for Humanity global initiative which will provide a positive future for generations to come.
Your donation will:
- Enable research and upgrading concerning all information on this site.
- Help enable the inclusion of the latest technology initiatives interfacing businesses and economics as they happen in context to Biospherically Correct.
- Enable this site to be more visually appealing, user friendly and interactive.
- Help promote this site to businesses and economic leaders globally.
Direct Bank Payment
Our bank account for direct payments is:
Vision For Humanity Charitable Trust
03 0252 0883700 00
Reference: Biospherically Correct
Cheque Payment
Make cheques payable to Vision For Humanity Charitable Trust – B.C., and post to:
Vision For Humanity
26 Airedale Street
Auckland Central
New Zealand