“It’s time to reconnect”

A complete embrace of nature is required to detour our very own existence from a cataclysmic fate.

What is needed is a symbiotic relationship with nature where we fulfil a natural role alongside all other life and bio-integrate.

The biosphere is an immense example of co-operation where there are exchanges of energy and resources creating biodiversity and richness with no net waste as everything is utilized.

It is essential we as Humans begin to understand this co-operation and focus on the development of what is termed ecomimicry or biomimicry – that of adopting nature’s processes.

“At all levels of the natural world, we find living systems nesting with other living systems – networks within networks. Their boundaries are not boundaries of separation but boundaries of identity. All living systems communicate with one another and share resources across their boundaries.”
Pg 42 eco design, Professor Ken

Humanity resides in most climates on the planet and is ultimately reliant on the biosphere. In protecting the biosphere we are ensuring our own immediate prosperity and long-term intergenerational equity. This surely must transcend any other human objective. This can only be done by acknowledging that a much greater level of human co-operation, consensus, awareness, understanding and respect concerning our biosystem is intrinsic to our own development. Inseparable to a bright future is global food security, sustainable resources, and pleasing natural aesthetics. Interdependent to this is a state of peace, through having boundaries of identities and not separation, humanity has the opportunity to positively and collectively organise. This cannot be achieved in states of conflict.

The biosphere provides to us the epitome of biological organisation.

Developing a ‘Biospherically Correct’ culture within the framework of modern day life is now paramount. To grasp this we must understand the concept of ‘services’, as essentially everything exists in our biosphere within the context of a service.

In understanding nature and then developing systems to operate within its systems (creating services), we will develop the means to collectively organise. This will result in the preservation of; biodiversity, cultural diversity and intergenerational equity.