
Our biosphere, the biosphere of earth, is perhaps unique in the universe.

The biosphere is the sphere of life on the planet; cosmically cocooned, it represents a thin biotic vibrancy being the jewel of existence as far as our human understanding allows us to perceive.

From the bottom of the oceans to the upper limits of the skies, 7000m below sea level to 9000m above, all life resides within the biosphere in its varying forms.

This miraculous ‘life’ is divided into a number of bioregions, all containing various ecosystems, each ecosystem with organisms making up the living community in balance with their environment. In all its ways nature has been developing and maintaining life on earth for billions of years.

The biosphere itself is the result of a special set of cosmic conditions and planetary systems which in functioning together provides the perfect environment for this sphere of life which represents the global sum of all Earth ecosystems.

This sweet spot in the universe has successfully enabled life to evolve from single cell organisms to living beings with complex DNA possessing various degrees of consciousness as in many animals.

In the broadest sense the biosphere is a global self-regulating ecological system hosting vast social intricacies which have come about as a result of the evolved cognitive ability and awareness that now exists in life. It integrates all living vessels and their relationships, including their interactions with one another and the elements of the sun, moon, atmosphere, hydrosphere, pedosphere. Of  late with more advanced cognitive / conscious creatures, has come established social rituals and hierarchy in animals while the power of human consciousness alone has become a major influence.

In grand terms our biosphere has not only been the means over a massive time frame to provide existence but now houses an ecological, social and many peoples say spiritual richness of life. How valuable is this?

In comparison only recently on the 5th December 2011, has the first planet been confirmed in the “habitable zone” (the region around a star where liquid water could exist on a planet’s surface to enable some form of life) of another solar system by NASA’s Kepler mission.

This planet which NASA calls Kepler-22b is located 600 light-years away from Earth. The Kepler mission has also discovered more than 1,000 new planet candidates. However whether Kepler-22b or any other such planet has a life generating biosphere is still to be discovered.

Regardless – the sheer distance of these planets, in itself, represents how truly unique the biosphere of Earth is, further highlighting humanity’s magnificently fortunate place in the universe.

Whether we as humanity begin to value our biosphere or look to seek out another to inhabit we are bound by the same fundamentals of what constitutes a healthy biosphere. Hence the need to synch into the workings of what generates and maintains life anywhere in the universe.