Positive Functionality
Being conscious of the effects: individual / society / environment
Orientation: Significance – what true ecological and social significance does this product have in our lives?
Context statement: The presence and use of a product or service will have an effect upon our lives in one way or another and sometimes the long term accumulative effects are not found until many years, or even decades, later.
Guiding Question: How positive for the individual, society and the environment is the function of the service in its final form?
How positive for the individual is the function of the service in its final form? Regarding, for example:
- positive personal influence; physiologically/ emotionally
- the engendering of a positive experience through its logo or message
- physical health benefits/aiding longevity
- the encouragement of physical exercise
- inspiration to personally achieve and advance
- educational advancement / mental discipline and challenges
Orientation: in today’s world a vast variety of products and services are sold without conscious thought, simply because a profit can be made. We as the general consumer are left to discern the true attributes of our purchase, which is not always of genuine benefit to us yet may still seem to have great appeal. We have access to purchases which can damage our bodies physically and numb our senses, greatly affecting our creativity and ability to make meaningful social connections. Whereas services that connect us with nature and each other can have a positive benefit to human health.
How positive for society is the function of the service in its final form? Regarding, for example:
- social cohesion
- postive communication
- raising awareness of a worthy social issue.
- financial benefits to a worthy social cause or charity
- financial benefits to our society long term.
Orientation: consider the effects of products such as tobacco and alcohol which is costing our society greatly in terms of health care. While socially responsible media in the form of documentaries and educational programmes help us to understand ourselves and the world in which we live. Quality films and art can reflect beauty and inspire new creative endeavours. With seven billion people on the planet consideration must also be given to the question: Is this service really necessary?
How positive for the environment is the function of the service in its final form? For example:
- is the environment either unharmed by, or benefits in some way from the existence of the service?
- is it raising awareness of a worthy environmental issue?
- is it financially benefiting a worthy environmental endeavour, cause or charity?
- is it providing a better way of sustaining our natural environment and life therein?
Orientation: Services must align with the workings of the bio-spheric waste sinks of the earth. There is an increasing degree of bio-accumulation (the uptake of water borne chemicals by fish and other aquatic organisms) in our rivers, lakes and seas, created by many man made activities. Consider for instance, chemically derived harsh surfactants as in many cleansing products, which run off down our drains during use. The impact of which causing detriment to our water ways and marine life, directly affecting the food we eat. Whereas plant based personal and household cleansers do not cause as much bio-concentration. Ultimately, the environment benefits from the development of services that move beyond material consumption and instead encompasses experiences that touch our lives, deepening our connection to the Earth and each other.