The Biospherically Correct principles

The BC principles of creating services is determined by five key criteria intended to be functional in your localised enterprise and throughout your entire Biospherically Correct Service Management Chain (BCSMC).



Diversity protection

Protecting our key pillars: Biospheric services / Biodiversity / Cultural diversity


Orientation: Security - how ecologically and socially conscious is the sourcing of the raw materials?

Context statement: In the broadest thinking terms, life on our planet  relies on the interlocking of three key pillars: healthy Biospheric services, the biodiversity of life and the vital cultural diversity of humans.

Guiding Question: To what extent does the sourcing (cultivation and extraction) of the raw materials necessary to produce a product (or facilitate a service) enhance the diversity of life, that is, aids the greater biospheric services of the planet, the localised eco systems (species and habitat protection) and preserves the associated knowledge, customs and prosperity of the indigenous cultures of the territory? 



Green ingredients

Green ingredient selection in relation to a Global Produce Model: natural – organic / high yielding / sustainable/ fit for purpose


Orientation: Selection - how green and mindful of our planet’s total resources are the constituents of the product?

Context statement: Maximising the planet’s carry capacity in order to produce enough for everyone requires thought, planning and the development of a Global Produce Model which produces Green Ingredients in ratios that mindfully utilises our planet’s resources.

Guiding Question: Do the constituents of the product meet the criteria for being ‘green ingredients’, that is, are they naturally occurring in nature, high yielding for economy of use and are they managed in a sustainable way for generations to come, or alternatively have a high fit for purpose value? Do the Green ingredients ratios fit within the planning and greater context of a long term Global Produce Model?


Positive functionality

Being conscious of the effects:  individual / society / environment


Orientation: Significance - what true ecological and social significance does this product have in our lives?

Context statement: The presence and use of a product or service will have an effect upon our lives in one way or another and sometimes the long term accumulative effects  are not found until many years, or even decades, later. 

Guiding Question: How positive for the individual, society and the environment is the function of the service in its final form?



Eco processes

Engagement of Biomimetic technology & Biomimic processes concerning:  sourcing / manufacturing / packaging / distribution / bio-integration & re-integration


Orientation: Systems - how ecologically advanced are the systems that enable this service to exist?

Context statement: Nature’s core structure consists of producers, consumers and decomposers, all of which are incredibly efficient and dependable parts of the service chain. Nature’s systems operate with full utilisation incurring no Nett waste and creating aesthetic natural beauty while continuing on a pathway of further evolution. 

Guiding Question: Firstly, from the localised work environment and then secondly, throughout the Biospherically Correct Service Management Chain (BCSMC), how extensively do the design principles and system processes inherent to this service benefit and sustain nature?



Trade integrity  

The underpinning human spirit of trade:  social investment / Gratifying and harmonious business relationships / transparency of information / honest & accurate statement 


Orientation: Social Capital - what are the governing human values and how are they exercised and expressed by the enterprise?

Context statement: The glue of a Business Eco System is the human values interlocking all trade and commerce. The motives behind the businesses that we forge, along with how well we as humans relate through these values, determines the essence of the enterprise and its eco-social contribution to our planet.

Guiding Question: Does the  legal structure of the enterprise (e.g. Articles of Incorporation / Charitable Trust Deed) include a greater human purpose and contribution? Is there evidence of Triple Bottom Line behaviour (TBL – people, planet, profit), a spirit of generating and  operating within gratifying and harmonious business relationships, a transparency of information, and honest/accurate and well intended advertising claim?